Self Assessment Checklist 8 April 2020 Answer these question to the best of your knowledge. You will be presented with your score at the end of this tool. There are 14 questions in total and there is no time limit to answer these questions. Your details and answers are also shared with us. Overarching Principle A: The School responds to the needs of children & young people first & foremost Overarching Principle A: The School responds to the needs of children & young people first & foremost Not Commenced Starting/investigating In part Integrating Embedded 1 out of 14 Overarching Principle B: The School is culturally, socially & emotionally understanding & responsive Not Commenced Starting/Investigating In part Integrating Embedded 2 out of 14 Overarching Principle C: The School models & honours compassion, empathy, caring & generosity. Not commenced Starting/Investigating In part Integrating Embedded 3 out of 14 Overarching Principle D: The School recognises & responds to the intergenerational trauma experienced by many First Nation peoples, families & communities. Emerging (Discovering) Developing (Knowing) Competent (Doing) Responsive (Being) Proficient (Teaching) 4 out of 14 Principle 1: The school prioritises physical, social & emotional safety & well-being. Not commenced Starting/Investigating In part Integrating Embedded 5 out of 14 Principle 2: The school values & models positive relationships, communication & interactions Not commenced Starting/Investigating In part Integrating Embedded 6 out of 14 Principle 3: The school provides a positive school culture that acknowledges & respects diversity, & builds connectedness Not commenced Starting/investigating In part Integrating Embedded 7 out of 14 Principle 4: The school works with families, community & services to identify & respond to trauma Not commenced Starting/investigating In part Integrating Embedded 8 out of 14 Principle 5: The school identifies vulnerable children & young people early & provides individualised attention & support Not commenced Starting/Investigating In part Integrating Embedded 9 out of 14 Principle 6: The school teaches social & emotional learning to promote emotional intelligence & resilience Not commenced Starting/Investigating In part Integrating Embedded 10 out of 14 Principle 7: The school offers a range of learning opportunities to staff, students & the broader community about trauma & its impact Not commenced Starting/Investigating In part Integrating Embedded 11 out of 14 Principle 8: The school provides a structured & predictable environment that is flexible to individual children & young peoples’ needs Not commenced Starting/Investigating In part Integrating Embedded 12 out of 14 Principle 9: The school identifies & nurtures children & young peoples’ strengths to ensure they feel valued & challenged Not commenced Starting/investigating In part Integrating Embedded 13 out of 14 Principle 10: The school reflects, changes & grows in response to the integration of trauma-informed practices Not commenced Starting/Investigating In part Integrating Embedded 14 out of 14 Approval to conduct this research has been provided by the University of Western Australia, in accordance with its ethics review and approval procedures (RA#4/20/6041). Any person considering participation in this research project, or agreeing to participate, may raise any questions or issues with the researchers at any time. In addition, any person not satisfied with the response of researchers may raise ethics issues or concerns, and may make any complaints about this research project by contacting the Human Ethics Office at the University of Western Australia on (08) 6488 3703 or by emailing to Time is Up! Time's up