We are pleased to share the news that pilot testing of The Thoughtful Schools Program in Western Australian schools commenced earlier this year. The response by schools, leaders and staff alike, has been enthusiastic!

Our new resource, the Thoughtful Schools Guidebook is now available here . The Guidebook includes the International Best Practice Principles for Trauma-Informed Schools (Thoughtful Schools Principles), the Thoughtful Schools Self-Assessment, a Thoughtful Schools planning template and evidence and expert-informed strategies (which align with the Principles). The Guidebook is a ‘living’ document which will be updated regularly to reflect new research as well as findings from the program evaluation.

We look forward to working with schools to support their efforts to embed trauma-informed practice into their environment, and are excited about the coming stages of the program and research.

Jacqui Gannon (Deputy Principal- aka Wonder Woman) and Steve Lockwood (Principal) at Bentley Primary School in front of their new Aboriginal artwork. Note Steve holding the Glad Wrap – there is no hierarchy of tasks at this school!